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Psychics, government conspiracies, and dangerous criminals swirl like a summer storm around 17-year-old parkour enthusiast Samantha Black.
Available for preorder now!

She wants to find her father's murderer.
The government has other ideas. They don't care about Sam's father. They want the mind reading sentient virus that lives in her brain.
Recent Blog Posts
Blogs on video game development and creative writing

August 20, 2023 : Blog - Writing
Writing dialogue in fiction is trickier than it seems. Here are a few concepts to consider

August 7, 2023 : Blog - Videogames
Choosing the best development methodology for your video game project

June 19, 2020 : Blog - Videogames
Establishing the Creative Hook (4750 words) - A useful process for both game design and fiction writing

July 26, 2019 : Blog - Writing
A Meyers-Briggs based character creation tool for fiction writing.
Book Reviews
Rick’s reviews of debut YA authors

August 11, 2018 : Book Reviews -
A coming-of-age story in the John Green style. I give this book a 4 star rating

August 5, 2018 : Book Reviews -
It's rare when debut authors have such a strong start, but the first book in The Pallbearer Prophecy series earns Moxie Gore five stars

August 2, 2018 : Book Reviews -
Aliens meets The Darkest Minds. This YA Sci Fi novel rates 3½ stars with me. Fun to read, but with room for improvement.